Bars: Lyrics for Lockdown

Mar 04, 2022

Written by Kayden King from Haringey Sixth Form College - London - UK

Yes, we’re stuck indoors
Yes, we’re stuck indoors

But we’ve been stuck for years.

Stuck inside ourselves.

Stuck because this system has been telling us to quarantine our true selves from those exams
To distance from the true jobs we want.
To cover our mouths when we want to speak out.

To keep *you* away from you.

Yes we’re stuck indoors but going back outside won’t change the chains that are still in your mind.
The chains placed in your head that you hold yourself to.
That you keep telling yourself will make things easier,
And Guarantee your success.

Yes we’re stuck indoors but why do you want to go back
Go back to that desk job.
Go back to that boss that doesn’t want you to be better than them.
Better than anything.
Better than that you.
Why do you want to go back to that?
Being a poor carbon copy of yourself.
In a world that encourages you to do one thing all your life and only stop when you can’t do anything anymore.
Where those who choose not to work an office job are shamed despite the permanent smile on their faces.
Where you aren’t even comfortable with staying in your own home.
And Fear being labelled as unproductive.
Even when you’re finally getting some well-deserved rest.
Finally eating properly.
Finally seeing yourself in the mirror wearing something other than a uniform. 

Yes, we’re stuck indoors but who even are you out there?
Who is that person that stops thinking about reaching for the stars to reach for the ladder that gets you nowhere
Absolutely nowhere.

And now that we’re indoors
You realise that you already knew what that felt like.
You knew you didn’t want to be forced into  another lifestyle
To not even be allowed to do what you’ve been told to do
What you were moulded to do
What you don’t even want to do but can’t say to anyone.
Because dreams don’t pay the bills
Excitement doesn’t pass exams
And joy doesn’t put food on the table.

But now what
Are you just going to sit
Sit and wait to go back to that life you were tired of
Or are you going to start that painting
Edit that video
Bake that cake
Draw that sketch
Learn that language
Start that channel
Tend to your garden
Tend to you
Make the real you stronger.
Finally give them the space to breathe.
Because Yes.
We are stuck indoors.
But you.
You are free.

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